KEREA is a member-based non-political, non-sectarian, and non-profit organisation representing the residents of KERARAPON in Kajiado County.
Membership is individual and court based and to become a member, an applicant court or individual shall fill out this form and pay Kshs xxxx using the payment details below
1.) Safaricom Mpesa Paybill No. xxxxxx Account COURT NAME
2.) KEREA bank account at Bank of KENYA, Home depo Business Park, Account name: KERARAPON Residents Association; Account Number: 099031600058994978.
The initial payment will serve both as the registration fee as well as the first-month subscription The member court shall be given a receipt and allocated a membership number. The member court will also pay a monthly fee of Kshs XXXXXX for running costs of day-to-day operations. When paying for Subscriptions through Mpesa Paybill Always Quote your court Name as the account
By Completing, signing and returning this form with your fees, you accept our membership terms and conditions an also the KEREA member’s code of conduct; the members building code and confirm that your contact details may be kept on a secure and confidential manual and digital register of members (for internal use only).